My pride will keep me company and you just gave yours all away.

Today was a pretty good last day of spring break. Jordan and I drove around, went to my aunts, then played kickball. After that we picked up Carlos. The three of us decided that I'm still G2G on something, so that's good. After that we went to my house and played Monopoly. That was pretty fun, and we actually finished. When we were done with that Jordan and Carlos played Pokemon for a while while I just played guitar. Now I can tell that we're all very tired and I'll be taking Jordan home soon. I don't really have a lot else to say other then I feel pretty good about today and it's helped me out.
Have a good day.


Jordan said...

California, here we come.
I wasn't even tired, btw. Don't assume because you will make an ass out of you and me. Get it? Ass-U-Me?? Teehee. Giggle@blog.