I've tried for nights to write a new beginning and failed every time.

I don't really know what to say here. What I want to convey I can't really type down specific enough for easy comprehension. For the past two months I've been talking about a lot of changes that I want to make happen for myself and every time I revisit them I get elated and so excited for them to happen. Out of all of these I haven't really started on any of them. Even the nearest one, the spring break road trip. Spring break is in two weeks and I still haven't gotten around to booking a hotel. I really should do that tomorrow, but I'll probably get caught up in the days events and forget. I've also been meaning to throw away everything in my room that I don't need. All the space in here is ridiculously crowded with tons of stuff I don't even need. Maybe I'll do that this week. Probably not. The only thing I've been keeping up with is going to the gym everyday. I'm very proud of myself for this one task though. I'm not exactly the most motivated person in the world, but I've done very well in this area. Today I was even able to increase all my reps by 20 lbs! 

I know it seems like all of that was very easy to explain, but that's still not exactly it. Do you have specific conditions, places, smells, and/or smells that make you feel a certain way for that entire day? Like when I wake up to a sunny day it usually reminds me of last summer when I went to a quadrillion shows and makes me always feel like I'm driving to a show, or that I need to go to a show. I can't think of any other way to describe it, other then a memory feeling. I want to make new ones of those. I don't want to spend right now remembering last summer. I want to spend later remembering my few years of high school because of all the memories I made. I want to do everything you're supposed to do when you're in high school. I'm not exactly sure what those are...but I want to do them! and I will do them, just you wait. You can come with me if you want.
Have a good day.