Jesus loves long as you're white, and straight, and not handi-capped, and Christian, etc.

I'm tired of all these ridiculous fundamentalists. I'm not only talking about Christians, because there are fundamentalists for every religion. I'm just pointing out them in particular because that's what I encounter the most. When I encounter someone in person like this I can argue it to the point where the person I'm arguing with drops all rational reasoning, starts answering everything with emotion and in turn becomes an idiot. That's okay with me though, because when I get to that point I know that rationalism beats romanticism and that I've won. The thing that makes me mad though is people on the internet. No matter what you say or how you say it you can never win anything on the internet. This is because you can make the most valid point and all they have to do is say "ur gay and u r 2 dum lol." The best part is after they type that they sit and stare at the screen wondering how they became so clever. You may  think that only accepting this bigotry to a degree is alright as long as you don't get too heated or crazy about it. Wrong. Any kind of belief in the hate filled fundamentalist ideas is perpetuating them enough that things like the picture above happen daily. I have no idea how these fundamentalists obtain these kind of mental blocks either. Maybe some people are just born with a very small intellectual capacity. I think that most people are raised that way though. When you're a kid you have no reason to not believe what your parents say. No matter how much hate filled their propaganda may be. Either way, if this describes you at all at least re-think what you think. Religion isn't bad. Religious zealots are.

Have a good day.


natalee said...

there are studies that suggest that part of the brain that has the 'me' concept [loosely meaning self awareness] is less developed in more religious persons.

Dylan said...

That's pretty interesting. I'll have to check that out.