You can have it all, my empire of dirt. I will let you down. I will make you hurt.

You can probably already tell from the title that this isn't going to be the most optimistic post of all time, but it's my blog so I'm allowed to. Back to the point, the title is from the song Hurt, by Nine Inch Nails. I was watching the music video today for the cover by Johnny Cash, which I like a lot better, and I think that's what actually made me start to feel bad. I'm just not sure that I really like the way that I think or the choices I make. It seems like before I make out a choice I'll know which one is better in morale or in the long run. Still though, even while I'm thinking that it's a bad choice, I make the bad choice anyway. Usually it's for personal gain or happiness, which I guess you should want. I do prefer making and keeping others happy in replace of myself. Well, I like the idea of it at least. For some reason though, I just can't seem to get past my own wants. Also, I'm not a big fan of they way that I think. Sometimes I'll play through entire scenarios in my head and wait until after to tell myself that whatever it was probably wasn't the best thing. Just to have myself replay the same scenario ten minutes later when my mind wanders off again. I understand how I need to think and do to be a good person. It just doesn't always work out that way, or at least most of the time. I just took an entire blog entry to tell you that I'm not a good person on the inside. Haha. Have a good day.


natalee said...

"I do not understand what I do. For what I want to do I do not do, but what I hate I do." - Romans 7:15

Dylan said...

heyyy, that's a pretty cool one.
tytytyty Natalee.

christinem said...

Dylan you're a good person!
This song is sad and the music video is reallly sad.