This is the only way I can say I'm sorry.

I know I posted like twelve hours ago, but I feel the need to put this up. I just wrote the last two verses and it's probably the most involved I've been in writing something. Hopefully this makes you feel something.

Criticism is good.

Tentative title is The Human Wrecking Ball

I keep you tucked away in the corner of my mind

Nothing’s gonna shake you out

You know I can’t shake you out

But we aren’t going anywhere from here

so try to forget about me and from now on

I’ll try to fake a few more tears

This is the only way I can say it won’t work

I miss you too, but not quite enough

Like the year before last, I’m not coming back

We had moving moments, but not quite enough

If you’re smart you’ll remember I only mad you mad

We were great together, but we’ll never be quite enough

It’s all supposed to hurt

Like a plane that can’t stop leaking gas

We were only going nowhere fast

I don’t know how to go about this

when I can only look forward to the past

Plans and hopes turned into lessons and memories

But if for one moment you think we can turn it back around

remember the only thing I’m good for 

is running everything I love into the ground

This is the only way I can say I’m ruined

I miss you too, but not quite enough

Like the year before last, I’m not coming back

We had moving moments, but not quite enough

If you’re smart you’ll remember I only mad you mad

We were great together, but we’ll never be quite enough

It’s all supposed to hurt

Maybe it wasn’t anything but a bad addiction

We’re going to have to put it down to get back up

I just don’t see how we could ever made it

You know that I love you, but it still wasn’t quite enough

This is the only way I can say I’m sorry

Also, if there are any suggestions as to how to go about this musically, it would be appreciated. I'm not sure how I'm going to put music to it.


natalee said...

this reminds me of sophmore album rise against with a third studio album taking back sunday in there.
i think it would be a really great strictly acoustic piece [i'm not sure what you had planned with your other stuff but full band electric would really compliment most of the other stuff you've posted], it would probably make a really great three cord rock song with a heavy riff.

Dylan said...

Thanks Natalee, I have music for it now. All that's left to do is memorize the lyrics haha.

Anonymous said...

lyrics say mad you mad shouldn't it read made you mad?

Dylan said...
