We're on a sinking ship, we're escaping it.

I'm blogging at eleven in the morning, which is kind of weird for me. I have a lot of homework to do though, and if I don't blog now I'll do it later to procrastinate. I don't even know what to write about right now. I just know I haven't blogged for a while.

I'm not exactly sure what I can write about. The things that have been around me lately are exactly what I'm trying to leave behind, rather than write about them. Hence, my last post. Well earlier this week I saw Say Anything again. I felt bad most of the time though. They sounded really good, the whole band was going all out, and still only the very front of the crowd was moving. I couldn't even get up there with them because of douche bags blocking us. Oh well, at least I got to hear Woe and Every Man has a Molly. I got to meet the band too and got a CD signed! That made it all worth it. I listen to In Defense of the Genre a lot during the wintery parts of the year. Not because of the songs in particular. Just because two years ago I got it for my birthday so this is the time when I listened to it a lot. Probably the worst time in my life, and it made it better even though it had nothing to do with any of it. I'm not sure what else to write about. I usually just write about the bad things, which is what I'm trying to stay away from. Even if I wanted to, I wouldn't have a lot to write about. I'm doing pretty well right now. I'm sick! But it's not even that bad haha.

Lately I've been listening to Person L's new album, The Positives. It's really good and exactly what I've been needing. I think it might actually be what a lot of my friends need right now. It's cool because usually the lyrics of songs kind of feel like they're just on top of everything. On the Positives though, nothing in particular is in control and they're just woven throughout the music. Another one that I've been able to get more into lately is Paramore's Brand New Eyes. It didn't hit too big at first, but it's gotten really good with time. That's one thing I like about music. Even the same song can sound really bad at first and then like a masterpiece a week later. And no, I'm not ashamed for telling people to listen to Paramore. It's good.

Make sure to listen to Good Days on The Positives and All I Wanted on Brand New Eyes. Those are my favorites at least.

I can't get the links to work, so just copy and paste them into the address bar
Person L - The Positives

Paramore - Brand New Eyes