A Day to Remember

A Day to Remember
Originally uploaded by www.GageYoung.com
I have been listening to A Day to Remembers new CD, entitled Homesick, all day today. Before I heard this album I didn't like them at all due to pure screaming. Now though...I'm a fan. You should definitely give this album a listen.
Other than that I have done nothing except homework, and am now on my way to eat. Actually I did learn how to play The Middle by Jimmy Eat World, but other than that not much. It's weird how as soon as it hits sunday it's like I have a little calendar inside me that tell me and warns me not to do anything fun. Because if I do something fun, that would break "the law of Sunday" and the entire seven day week system would go topsy turvy, rolling the earth from one axis onto the next.
Hopefully tomorrow I'll have something a little more interesting to say, if anything at all.