Leave me. Let me stay asleep cause I don't care.

Bball game.
Originally uploaded by DylanisCool
Yesterday I went to the Utah vs. BYU basketball game. it was pretty fun and the game was intense. It went into overtime, but in the long run Utah won by seven points, which i liked.
Changing subject, for the past couple months most of the time I've felt indifferent about nearly everything. No matter how bad something was that happened I could count on it that within an hour I would have forgotten it and not cared at all. Now though, I'm getting something that I would prefer the indifference over. It seems that for the last week or two all I do is worry about things. Whether it's grades, wrestling, things being stolen, whatever. They're constantly on my mind and constantly bugging me. I'm not exactly sure how to make it stop. One thing is for sure though. I would not mind going back to how i felt, or didn't feel I guess, before the worrypalooza.


Josh said...

k dude, so i totally took that pic!
and now that wrestling is over our lives just started again.