I want to be praised from a new perspective.

I'm not exactly positive on what's going on right now. By that I mean in my head. By that I mean I don't know what I'm blogging about. I'm kind of thirsty, but I'm going to the mall with Sean later. That means we can stop and get coffee. Yeaaaaah. I haven't had coffee in a while. That's not good.

So yesterday I went to the blue & white game. It was really dumb game wise. They stopped them whenever they got close to the end zone, so there was no score. They didn't have the time on the board. No announcers. It was even just Varsity against JV, so if there was a score we know who would have won. It was just like watching a practice. Other than that though, it was fine. I got to see a lot of people that I haven't for a while. After that though, I'm not quite as excited for school to start. Every time I saw certain people it made my stomach hurt. Not literally. It just didn't feel good. I'm going to have to see them now at least every other day. If not every day in the halls.  That's not good. I'm sure that I'll get used to it though. Just the first month or so won't be very fun. I also just don't feel as socially capable with the people there. Last year it felt like I was fine with talking to everyone. Now when I think about talking to people, something tells me that they don't really want to talk to me. I have zero reasoning for this. I probably just have less confidence than I did before. I'm not sure. I hope that the school year isn't like this. I want to be social and fun, and get good grades. I just need the confidence that I had last year, then I bet I could make it a good one.

I don't really know what else to say. I'm sure I'll blog again before school starts to re-evaluate how I feel about the upcoming year. Hopefully it's better. I want to make this year a good one.
Have a good day.