Of all these angry people in the world, I am the angriest boy!

This of course isn't going to be the happiest entry, I don't know how long it's been since I've had one of those. But it won't be as bad as yesterdays. Hopefully.

The last month or so I've constantly been angry. Not at one certain thing, but not at nothing either. I'm angry that people are happy when they shouldn't be allowed to. I'm angry that people are allowed to think that they're right when they're not. I hate that people can do anything wrong and really believe that it's right. I know when I do something wrong. I don't feel good or happy about it. I may not kill myself over it, but it know it's wrong. When someone says something like "you're a fagget" (I know how to spell, it was the stupid person that misspelled it), I hope they know how stupid they are. I sincerely want them to be curb stomped. The fact that I have to hold back a smile while thinking of that solidifies my sincerity. Every time I pass Rebecca when walking down my hallway, I want to hit her head into the wall and kick her ribs until they all feel soft. When someone says something demeaning to me I want to hit them until my knuckles break. I could make an instance for every kind of person I don't like.
Even though I want to do all of these things, I don't. I know that they're all irrational, and I know that it's not normal to be this angry all the time. Because of this, I have to try my hardest to not actually get into a fight. I need to remember that I'm eighteen and that a few people would probably be upset with me. That's pretty much what's stopping me. I wish that I could give myself my own reason not to, but I don't really have a stake in myself. I'm not sure what else to say right now. I've had a huge headache all day and I have no money for any pain medication. <3life
Have a good day.