Don't sweat it, forget it. Everything is A-okay.

I want to blog about music, I don't know what about it though. So I'll just start off with something that I thought about today.

If you don't already know, it would probably help you to know now that I'm pretty indifferent with most things. If someone doesn't like me, I probably won't even think about it. If someone hints that they want me to ask about something, or talk about something, I probably won't care enough to. If it was really important they would just say something. Otherwise, it won't bother me not knowing. This has killed just about, if not all, relationships that I've been in. I could give other examples, but I think that's enough. It might seem convenient to not care about a lot of things, but it isn't. I would rather wonder why people don't like me, talk to people about things they want to and care more in relationships, than lose interest all the time. I can't help it though. Or at least until someone helps/makes me care about things. 
hmmm...what else to talk about. I can't think of anything music related... I almost just posted lyrics from a song that I've been listening to a lot, but I don't think that's a good idea. It's cliche, unoriginal and might result in a few people getting mad at me because of what it's about. I don't think that there's any reason as to why I've been listening to it, but I'm not Freud. Now I'm really stuck on what to write about. There was some stuff that went down today. That wasn't good, haha. I'm pretty sure it was mostly my fault, but so far no one has yelled at me or anything, so I think I'm alright with them. Hopefully this weekend is fun. Game on Friday and then I have no idea what's going on after. Super fun time maybe, I don't know.

This really was a waste of a blog, but I'm not tired enough to sleep yet and have nothing else to do. Sorry about wasting your time. Hopefully you have better stuff to talk about. 
Have a good day.


natalee said...

i love that your blog titles have all been all time low lyrics. makes me smile.

Cameron said...

I see some material in this blog for a future song! If you haven't already written a song about it. Haha.

Dylan said...

I think I was writing one about this problem like a week ago, got distracted, and deleted it on accident haha. But Now that you've reminded me, I can start on it again!

Cameron said...
