I wish I could drain out his half of blood in me, but I'd still have his face.

What I have on my mind so far is going to make this entry pretty angry and somewhat depressing. I still feel pretty pumped for the weekend though, so I think I'll be able to end it on a good note. Lets see how it goes.

This morning I got ready and got in the car to go to school. When I got in the car it sounded horrible so I went inside yelling at my dad to come help me. All I could really do was knock on his door and yell through it because of something I'll mention later. He wouldn't wake up so I ended up getting frustrated and kicked a hole into the wall by his door. That didn't even wake him up! But somehow it woke up my brother who's room is even further from where I did it. Anyway, I got him to wake up my dad and he told me to just drive the car anyway. After school I found out the oil was like mud and the tires had metal sticking out of them. So at least the car got fixed.

But anyway, the reason I didn't want to go into his room was because someone else was in there. Some lady that lived across the street with her boyfriend got in a fight with him so now "we're going to help her out until she goes to her moms." He's not just helping her out, she's been here for four days. She could have gone to her moms house five days ago! The best part was when I came home and she was wearing my pants! I will curb stomp her, not even kidding, before she wears my clothes again. I don't think I would mind that much if I at least knew the person. But I saw her probably two times in my life and then the next thing I know she's sitting here in my pants.

So all things considered I'm really re-thinking going to my aunts as soon as I'm 18. I think the things that will decide if I do is whether or not she is gone, whether or not I have a car, and whether or not I can get a job. If she's gone, then I'll obviously stay. But if she isn't and I at least have a car I think I'm going to go to my aunts. Actually I think I'm going to talk to her about it tomorrow. I wish I had family that lived closer than Sandy, but I can deal with the driving to get out of this. If it was this alone, then I might be over reacting; but with all the dumb choices my dad makes it would make sense to leave ASAP. It makes me mad all the time so little things, like the oil needing to be changed, pushes me to kick holes into the wall. I'm really glad that we get to wrestle tomorrow so it can help me out a little. Like that would be pretty cool if someone wanted to fight me from me being a dick. I would own them hXc! I hope I at least wrestle someone that I don't care for that much tomorrow. A supe sounds like it would feel really good right now, regardless of legality. Everything sounds good, regardless of legality.

Now to get out of buzzkill town. Contrary to everything I said above, I'm still excited for the weekend. I get to be away from the house all the time and have an excuse for it. I get to have fun with my friends and party it up! Pretty much, I get to do whatever I want to make myself feel better. I'm not really sad or anything like that. As long as I'm doing something to have fun. This is what I was talking about earlier when I said that no matter what happens you can be okay. I'm angry, but I'm still good. I'm not going to let some lady I don't even know and my dad hold me down. And I'm going to homecoming! Woot!
Have a good day.