Gravity is working against me

Pre-P.s. The video wouldn't work on here so here's the link.

Every other blog that I post is about music, but that's okay. I get to since It's my blog. This is John Mayer. His guitar style is probably my favorite out of all the musicians I've heard. If you haven't heard him before hopefully you'll like him after watching this. On another note of music, I wish that I could go to Berkeley School of Music. It's not about money, because I can get into any college for free. The problem is I actually have to be accepted to the college and I don't exactly think that I'm anywhere good enough to get in. I guess I have until next year, but we'll see if I've improved a lot. I'm not sure if this has made a lot of sense because I'm watching Nick and Nora's Infinite Playlist for the first time right now. So I'll end this before I mess it up anymore.
Have a good day.

I like his sleeve that he has now.