I think it's time that I realize self pity is meaningless.

originally uploaded by DylanisCool.
Yep, that's my car. 240SX. Dead. I'm totally going to Tarantino it and now tell you how it happened.
So it's seven in the morning and I'm going west on a not so tiny street on my way to school where there is a neighborhood on the side of it. Some lady pulling out of the neighborhood decides that stop signs just aren't her thing, so she ignores it and keeps going to turn on to the street I'm on. Than...BOOM! my car does a little more than a 360 into the turn lane with me just takin' a seat in it.
Long story short, I won't have a car for a little while. It's alright though. Getting upset over things like that is what ruins everyday for you until you decide you can't do anything about it. So unless something a lot worse happens, I'll be good to go.