It's up to us to figure out the rest.

I'm about to sit down for a lifetime of homework, so I thought I'd do this before I do. Oh, and the picture on the side isn't related, really. It's just something from the weekend. Recently I've been having a hard time setting aside time for everything. Girlfriend, different friends, wrestling, homework, and alone time. I thought I did alright this weekend except for when I realized how much homework I have and that I have an entire English project due and a Theory of Knowledge quiz tomorrow. Since I didn't do as well as I thought I did last week, I'm going to try something different this week. Hopefully it works out better.

I also decided, with the help of Josh's peer pressure, that I'm going to get a tattoo. I'm still not positive where and I have three different ideas of what. I'll probably add the little Poll gadget on here so that you guys can tell me what you like best. Well I better get started on my intimidating pile of homework. 
Have a good day.


natalee said...

this weekend there is a tattoo convention at the salt palace, maybe you could go and get some ideas.