Pure laziness!

Little kids
Originally uploaded by DylanisCool
Today was the second day of the freestyle season for MountainTop. I only went to the little kids part of the practice today since I have region tomorrow for folkstyle. It's kind of weird looking around at all of them practicing because I know that every single one of them that keeps it up until they're in high school will be wrestling each other for state championships. I'm not really feeling going to region tomorrow. I would actually prefer if I wasn't wrestling in it because I'll be missing theory of knowledge. I'm also burnt out of the folkstyle season. It just gets to a point (about a month ago) where it isn't fun anymore, it's just tiring and time consuming. but oh well, if I didn't wrestle I'm sure I'd be very over weight and even more lazy.

Also, the future is scary. I turn eighteen this year and I don't like it. I still feel just as much as a kid as I did when I was fourteen, except now I'm a kid that drives. Hopefully by the time I am eighteen I'll feel a little more mature and sure of the future. If not I'm going to have a hard time deciding everything. I'll probably say more about this later, but I'm very tired now and I am going to sleep. Goodnight.


natalee said...

There is two months and twenty five days intil my eighteenth birthday. It certainly feels like the future is even more uncertain now then it has ever been. It's hard making decisions based on things that are going to drastically change in the next few months. Just rejoice that you have a whole nother year of high school to figure out what it is you think you might want.