You can never really win. Not to say you're born to lose.

This is a little side rant relating to the blog I posted earlier about being too plain. I think another reason I'm too plain is because I have nothing that makes people think of me. When I say that I don't mean like a color or something as ambiguous as that. I mean there's nothing that I'm the best at out of everyone I know. I do/have done a million things, but i've never been the best or even super good at any of them. I've wrestled for ten years, and I'm definitely not a natural wrestler. So I've worked my ass off for all ten of those. There are still kids that have only been wrestling for four that can beat me. I also consider myself somewhat smart, but I'm positive that I am not the smartest out of all my friends. Even with looks! I'm not disgusting, but I have some friends that could have any girl they wanted. I've done/am doing parkour, guitar, lifting, gymnastics, acrobatics...ish, etc., but even with such a broad spectrum I'm not really good at any of those. Haha, I just thought of this, even with video games people beat me. I'm not too sore about that one though. I just wish that I had something that I could do and be the best at. Then when people thought of that certain thing they would think "Yeah, Dylan is the best person that I know at _______."

I might do a lot, but I would much rather be really good at one thing than mediocre at fifty.


natalee said...

when i hear a funy story, or a ridiculous joke, or anything about pokemon, penguins, or poop, i think of you. i know it's not being good at something but these things make me think of you which is what you seem to be looking for.
it's not always about what other people think and see you as. it should be more about how you feel about yourself.

Carlos said...

I know what you mean about trying to excel in everything and not being able to achieve that high point you want. I am at a worse level than you with a lot of the things you mentioned. Anyways, people aren't necessarily remembered or revered for being the best at something. There are many people that were never the best at what they were passionate about but because they kept trying and working hard, they were able to get recognition for their work even though it might not have been from everyone.
Take being in a band for example. You and I like Bayside but they are hated by a lot. They don't stop what they do though because of the people who hate them, they do it for those who they have reached and more importantly for themselves. Don't try and work hard at something just to impress other people. If you do it because you love it and always work hard at it then the recognition will follow.
Now that I read that it sounds kind of dumb but hopefully you can interpret it in some way that helps.

Betty said...

Maybe it's just me, but I feel the exact same way about myself as you do yourself. I always have this thought that I'm not horrible at things, but I'm never the best at them either. I'm constantly just okay. I wish I had some kind of extreme talent or recognizable trait. Unfortunately, I do not :/